• May 9, 2024

Nuts help reduce risk factors for metabolic syndrome, according to a new study

A recent study from Vanderbilt University suggests that including walnuts in the daily diet can significantly reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome in young adults, improving factors such as waist circumference and lipid levels.

Nuts help reduce risk factors for metabolic syndrome, according to a new study
Metabolic syndrome

A recent study published in the journal Nutrients reveals that including walnuts in the daily diet may be key to reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome in young adults. Despite the bad reputation that nuts have had due to their fat and sodium content, research suggests that the benefits far outweigh the nutritional stigmas.

Metabolic syndrome, a set of risk factors that increase the chances of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, affects about 1 in 3 adults in the United States, according to data from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. .

The study, conducted by researchers at Vanderbilt University, recruited 84 young adults between the ages of 22 and 26, each with at least one risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Divided into two groups, one set replaced their usual snacks with mixed nuts, which included raw unsalted cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, almonds, and walnuts, while the other group consumed carbohydrate-rich snacks.

During the 16 weeks of the study, both groups received basic nutrition counseling and menus based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, maintaining a similar caloric intake to ensure valid comparisons at the end of the study. Additionally, activity levels were monitored with accelerometers.

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The results of the study were remarkable. In the group that consumed walnuts, significant improvements were observed in several factors related to metabolic syndrome. In women, waist circumference decreased, while men experienced improvements in blood insulin levels.

Nuts should be part of a balanced diet

In addition, the ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol improved by 11% in both sexes. Metabolic syndrome scores decreased by 67% in women and 42% in men.

The researchers concluded that daily walnut consumption may have a positive impact on metabolic syndrome risk factors, including waist circumference, lipid biomarkers, and insulin sensitivity, without the need to restrict calories.

It is important to note that nuts are not only a source of healthy fats, but they also offer additional benefits. Unlike high-sugar snacks, walnuts can help stabilize blood sugar levels, providing a feeling of satiety until the next meal.

However, experts warn that while nuts can be an important part of a balanced diet, they are not a magic bullet. They should be combined with other healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular physical activity, stress management, and adequate, quality sleep.

In summary, this study supports the idea that walnuts may play a crucial role in preventing metabolic syndrome, offering a delicious and nutritious option for those looking to improve their cardiovascular health and reduce the risks associated with chronic diseases.

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