President Biden's Sleep Apnea Treatment Unveiled by White House

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Friday, June 30, 2023

US President Joe Biden, 80, treats sleep apnea with a CPAP machine that prevents breathing interruptions during sleep.

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Marks on Biden's face sparked concerns about his fitness to lead, but the White House confirms it's related to sleep apnea treatment.

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Sleep apnea has been disclosed in Biden's medical history since 2008, and using a CPAP machine is a common practice for treatment.

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Despite age concerns within his Democratic Party, Biden, the oldest US President, seeks a second term in the 2024 election.

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Biden's approval rating stands at 43%, which may not guarantee a re-election win, but 10% somewhat disapprove of his performance.

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In a hypothetical rematch with Trump, half of those who somewhat disapprove still express support for Biden, while 39% favor Trump.

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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder causing breathing interruptions, resulting in snoring, fatigue, and increased blood pressure.

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Left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to forgetfulness, fatigue, sleepiness, and even cardiovascular disease due to strain on the heart.

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A CPAP machine is a medical device delivering pressurized air to prevent airway collapse and manage sleep apnea effectively.

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